We offer technical support & training for the installation and use of PICLas in your company, including pre- and post-processing. Due to our experience in high-performance computing, we can guide you in setting up the required infrastructure. We can also help you to build up the necessary expertise in your company with training courses. In doing so, you benefit from our experience in teaching at the University of Stuttgart.
Possible workshop topics
- Kinetic modelling of rarefied gas & plasma dynamics
- Theory and best practices for
- Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC)
- Particle in Cell (PIC)
- Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK)
- Application examples
- Atmospheric entry maneuvers
- Electric and in-space propulsion
- Vacuum & vacuum coating technology
- Electromagnetic phenomena
- Plasma generation & dynamics
- High-performance computing
Are you planning to extend your expertise on a certain topic and/or would like to utilize PICLas? Contact us for a non-commital consulation on how we can help you!
Dr.-Ing. Asim Mirza
E-Mail: mirza@boltzplatz.eu
Phone: +49 711 995 975 60